5 Tips on choosing blog topics or niche

5 Tips on choosing blog topics or niche

Bloging is a writing activity. Where that is written is an article that benefits everyone. Usually the article contains Tutorials, Information, News, and more...

… however, in building and creating a blog it is not easy. Requires expertise in writing. And we have to choose what topic we will discuss in Blog. Lots of bloggers are wrong and do not understand in advance the blog topic. Because it is important to develop a Blog.

So, now I will explain how to choose a good blog topic. Of course, the blog that we develop will not experience many problem constraints such as not having ideas to create articles and such...

1. Based on expertise

To build a blog, I suggest creating a topic based on your expertise. Why? This is so that the articles you create will be organized and will not be messy. For example if you often sell goods, then make a blog that stubs sell. Sell ​​your stuff on your Blog. With this there will be 2 advantages that the article will be organized profits and the second is that your product / goods will be sold.

Based on Hobbies

The second is to use your hobby. Good topics can also be created from the author's hobby. If your hobby is a game, then create a blog that contains an articleabout the game. Like now this is again trending like Mobile Legend. By using hobbies, then ideas will emerge a lot.

3. Your experience

By using your experience as a Blog Topic,it is also certain articles will be created regularly. But sometimes by making blogs with personal topics always have low traffic. Then make your Blog Articles as interesting as possible to read.

4. Based on Science owned

Everyone must be their own knowledge. Sometimes it is unthinkable that being shared with others is a good thing to do. So that not only we who have that knowledge but everyone.

5. Based on what was delivered at school

If you are a student, then do not bother todetermine the topic of the blog. because you can make the lessons taught in school can be shared. Artikelpun will definitely be regular.

I am confused, how about discussing many topics only?

…If my friend really can not find the right topic, then discussing many topics is to be the last option. Personally I am less fond of this kind of blog model for several reasons.

Maybe that's 5 Tips I can say. May be useful.…


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